Virtuoso Virtual

Virtuos Virtuell

from 4 y/o

no dialogue

02.10 10:00 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna
02.10 12:00 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna
03.10 09:30 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna
03.10 12:00 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna

An experimental animation film that does not tell a story in a classical sense but rather creates a movement of wet ink on a white background that seems to take up the dramatic arch of the overture we are hearing on the soundtrack. Their interplay stimulates us to see things, events, maybe even drama in what is basically just black shapes on a white surface. The film happens on the screen before us and is simultaneously created in our heads.

Ale Kino! For the Youngest Young

Thomas Stellmach

Animation director, producer, author and animator. Amongst 50 international awards for his independent productions, in 1997 he received the Academy Award for the stop-motion film Quest. He studied at Kassel Academy of Arts. Virtuos Virtuell (2013) is his first independent film after graduation.

Maja Oschmann

She is an artist and a drawer. For many years, she has focused her analysis on the relationship between drawing and music. This is reflected in her multidisciplinary projects: at the opening event of the Kassel Music Festival (2005), and with the contemporary composers Diego Jascalevich (2006) and Peter Swinnen (2008). Virtuos Virtuell is her first film.