

from 4 y/o

no dialogue

02.10 10:00 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna
02.10 12:00 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna
03.10 09:30 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna
03.10 12:00 Sound Painted Scena Wspólna

One big and about three dozen small marbles in a white, brightly lit room with a tile structure. They move from left to right, from front to back and suddenly begin to jump, to the wall on the right, to the ceiling and back down again. Are these marbles really just objects or eyes that can move beyond the rules of gravity? Are we looking up, or down, is this really a room at all and if so, where is it?

Ale Kino! For the Youngest Young

Luna Maurer

Director and composer (Sally, Dutch profiles). Since 2012, she has co-created the design studio MONIKER with Roel Wouters and Jonathan Puckey.

Roel Wouters

Director (Sally) and co-founder of MONIKER design studio.