The Sausage Run

The Sausage Run

from 14 y/o

no dialogue

03.10 17:00 Obstacle Racing. Short Films Multikino room 2
05.10 17:00 Obstacle Racing. Short Films Multikino room 3

The film is loosely based on the well-known fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, though here the roles of the humans and animals are exchanged. Little Red Riding Hood is a lamb, and the evil wolf is a butcher who has a big appetite for a good sausage. Indeed, this cartoon is all about sausages and the treatment of animals.


Thomas Stellmach

Director, producer and author of animated short films. Among 100 international awards for his independent productions, he received an Academy Award for Quest in 1997. The Sausage Run has already won several international awards, including the Grand Prix – The Golden Kuker Award at the International Animation Film Festival in Sofia (2022), the Animation Award for the best storyteller at the Mediawave Festival in Hungary (2022), the second prize for animation in the Athens Animation Festival competition (2022) and others.



Grand Prix – The Golden Kuker Award at the International Animation Film Festival in Sofia (2022)
The Animation Award for the best storyteller at the Mediawave Festival in Hungary (2022)
2nd prize for animation in the Athens Animation Festival competition (2022)