Inne kaczątko

The Different Duckling

od 9 lat
from 9 y/o


06.10 09:30 In the cinema Scena Wspólna

In a yard inhabited by animals, rules the Rooster. Each yard dweller offers a special gift to the Rooster in gratitude for his reign. A stray little Duckling unexpectedly appears in the yard, still searching for his gift... The Rooster orders the animals to chase out the misfit threatening his privileged position. The Duck stands in the Duckling’s defence...

This colourful, essentially musical performance and the story of the ‘different’ Duckling shows that being different does not mean being inferior at all.

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Teatroteka – Theatre for the Young

A series of theatre plays for children initiated and produced by the Documentary and Feature Film Studios (WFDiF).

WFDiF’s new initiative is a bold production and artistic undertaking aimed at producing television performances for children based on contemporary Polish texts, i.e. works written in the 21st century. The underlying concept is the same as in the case of Teatroteka for adults – young authors and directors create an original audiovisual performance following the theatrical convention while engaging cinematic means of production. These are live-action spectacles, without the use of puppets, and performed by adult actors (although, exceptionally, child actors may also be involved).

Theatre in Cinema – Cinema in Theatre

Aga Błaszczak

A theatre and film director, Aga is a graduate of the Puppetry Faculty at the Academy of Theatre Arts in Wrocław and the Rehearsal Studio at the Wajda School. She made her debut in 2017 with the play Dzień Osiemdziesiąty Piąty (Puppet and Actor Theatre in Wałbrzych), which won awards at the National Festival of Puppet Theatres in Opole and the Maskarada Festival in Rzeszów, among others. She works with puppet theatres in Poland and abroad. The winner of the Sławomir Świontek Special Prize for the best MA thesis on theatre theory in the Theatre Institute competition (2020).