Morning Grass

Morning Grass

from 18 y/o
Netherlands, Ukraine


02.10 20:00 Out of Comfort Zone. Short Films Multikino room 1
05.10 19:30 Out of Comfort Zone. Short Films Multikino room 4

On a summer day, Young Yacob, pondering – all too much – what the future holds, meets a ghost in the fields. It shows him a stream of its past life, demonstrating that Yacob’s life is extraordinarily beautiful.


Alina Milkina

A Ukrainian director and animator. Growing up in Eastern Ukraine, Alina watched a lot of USSR animation, which influenced her future style. She graduated from the Minerva Academy in Groningen with a specialisation in gravure techniques. While at the university, she started experimenting with analogue animation. She obtained her master’s degree in animation from AKV St. Joost in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Having worked in the Dutch film industry for several years, she returned to independent filmmaking.
