The Jurors of Ale Kino 2022 #1
The competition films screened at Ale Kino! Festival will be assessed by 9 different juries. To begin with, we would like to present the composition of the International Jury for Feature Films for Children! Today the first one: ZEF Film Educators Jury.

Jolanta Myszka
She has worked in the film and cinema industry for over 25 years. Since 2003, she has co-managed the Rialto cinema in Poznań. Co-creator and coordinator of the Wielkopolska Edukacja Medialna media education programme implemented in cinemas and schools in Wielkopolska (since 2006), and an educator. She completed the training organised by the International Art Cinema Confederation (CICAE) “Art Cinema = Action + Management” (2007). In 2016, Joanna received the SKSiL “Kiniarz roku” award.
Artur Lecybil
For 15 years, he has been associated with the Iluzja art-house film theatre in Częstochowa, where he has been responsible – among others – for coordinating the New Horizons of Film Education programme. Speaker, juror at film festivals for young viewers, coordinator of the Film Educators Team. Organiser of film screenings for young viewers, as well as fringe events (e.g. workshops, animations, field games, artistic activities). All of this, so that, as he says himself, “a visit to the cinema is a never-ending adventure”.
Agnieszka Piotrowska-Prażuch
She graduated in film studies and is the deputy manager of Amok art-house film theatre in Gliwice. She has initiated and carried out many projects in the field of broadly understood film education, as well as organised film events for young audiences. She received the Award of the Mayor of the City of Gliwice for promoting and preserving culture, as well as the 2016 Sunflowers Award for the best initiative for children in Silesia and Zagłębie. Co-founder of the Amok cinema, which received the Polish Film Institute Award for the best cinema in Poland in 2013, as well as an award in the film education category in 2017. Juror at international film festivals for young viewers. Co-founder of the Film Educators Team.