Football Goats 2020

The world of football is full of brilliant stars. If they shine with a real, honest glow – and not only on the pitch – they can be so much more than just super-athletes. They can act as guides for their young fans on their way to a good and decent life. For people around the world, football is a vital part of their everyday lives, as well as a festivity, which – to some extent – makes up for all the obstacles and challenges life faces us with. However, this isn’t true for all of us: while anyone can try to become a professional football player, no one should be forced to do so. This is exactly what the award-winning film is about. In a funny, yet brilliant way, it tells a story of a meeting of a football icon and his young admirer – an encounter that will profoundly influence their lives. Football Goats go to the Chilean production ‘My hero Alexis’, directed by Alejandro Fernández Almendras, for the wise message, filled with good energy and perfectly supported by the plot, which shows that everyone should be free to do what they love in life, and that friendships, including the football-related ones, will certainly help to achieve this goal. Congratulations to the authors! Furthermore, we would like to congratulate Alexis Sánchez – an outstanding player whose talents we have so far only been able to admire on the pitch – for his successful debut on screen.
Jerzy Moszkowicz, director of the Ale Kino! Festival