Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets

Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets

od 15 lat
from 15 y/o


02.10 18:00 In the cinema Multikino room 3
05.10 19:30 In the cinema Multikino room 3

Sixteen-year-old Romantic James Whitman struggles to overcome anxiety and depression by seeking advice from the only psychoanalyst whom he can afford: an imaginary pigeon named Dr. Bird. In his magical realism-inspired world, James goes on a whimsical, but emotionally charged search to solve the mystery of his sister’s disappearance from home. It is a highly original portrayal of the complicated world of a teenager, in which difficult relationships with parents and peers are shown in a clever, yet entertaining way.

treści wrażliwe: depresja, toksyczna rodzina


Yaniv Raz

A writer and director. He directed the award-winning short film Things Fall Apart, which premiered at the Venice IFF and was named the best short film at the London Film Festival. Yaniv has sold many screenplays and TV shows to Netflix and Universal, Sony, Fox and Warner Brothers, just to name a few. He has also worked as a screenwriter for Cirque du Soleil, Jerry Bruckheimer and Valhalla Entertainment.
