Bella w brzuszku: Książka

Bella in the Belly: Book

from 6 y/o
02.10 12:00 Pleasant and Productive. Short Films Kino Pałacowe

A story of an incredible bond between siblings – five-year-old Benny and his unborn sister Bella – in their mother’s belly. Despite being separated, they communicate: Bella hears sounds and voices and uses her imagination to understand them. She can play and interact with all the objects she imagines – because her imagination brings things in mum’s belly to life.

Neighbours – 3 Festivals: Chemnitz, Poznań, Zlín

Jacek Rokosz

A graduate of the Łódź Film School. Co-creator of special effects for the film Peter and the Wolf (Oscar). Since 2010, a lecturer at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw. Filmography: Ala ma koty (2016), Terror z kosmosu kontra czerwona gwiazda (2010), Jarosław (2004), Polska historia (2002).